1. On the Ethical Use of Technology

Preface: This is an essay and public service announcement that I have written concerning the ethical and better alternative technologies and routes, particularly in the field of personal computing, such as online communication software that is made by fairly decent people and not owned by the enemies of humanity, that I have heard Alex and many of his show's guests say that they'd like to know about. I hope this finds you well, I hope you choose to read what I've wrote. To whom it may concern, particularly the listeners, viewers, supporters, contributors, and hosts of InfoWars: You've taken the allegorical red pill, exiting the matrix of intentional deception and disinformation by choosing to listen to the InfoWars Network. The people behind InfoWars are authentic, transparent, love freedom, and have found success and efficacy through these life sustaining traits. Paramount to all else, they are willing to serve the creator, God, through relationship with his son Jesus Christ, and nothing could ever be more important than that. As we and those around us recognize that are in a war for the future of Man's soul, and the existence of our progeny, we must consider all fronts. If we are to continue using digital technology in any form, we must ensure that it serves us, as the simple tool it should be, and never allow it to be a means of enslavement. The single most important thing that a person can do, regarding this, is to stop using the Trojan Horses that are passed off as operating systems, made by the enemies of humanity such as Bill Gate's Microsoft, Tim Cook's Apple, and Sundar Pichai's Google. As has been covered extensively on InfoWars, these companies, through their malevolence and immorality, have established a surveillance grid of devices, to either through passive algorithmic examination or active real-time trespassing, analyze and catalogue, and then using this stolen information, manipulate the billions of people which they claim to serve. What is of perhaps equal importance to consider is that not only do these companies violate the sanctity of basic human decencies, they have currently the direct means of inhibiting vital channels of communication and information dissemination through what has been referred to as a 'killswitch'. If the companies represented by Tim Cook, Sundar Pichai, and Bill Gates were to decide that their personal computer operating systems, the 'MacOS', 'Chrome OS', and 'Microsoft Windows', should block all attempts to connect to the website InfoWars.com, or that the computers running these trojan horse operating systems should simply be nonfunctional for a certain period of time, they would be able to do so very easily. As with all things in life, there is never only evil. There is always a stronger and more powerful good force to prevail over that evil. In the realm of personal computing, this has manifested as the GNU/Linux operating system. This operating system came to be through people who understood the values which drive InfoWars. The code from which it is built is freely and openly published, for public viewership that those who would use it may audit it, and know that it does what it claims to, and nothing else. The ethic on which it is built has been coalesced as the Free, Open, and Liberated technology movement, which recognizes the value of that which sustains life, the principles on which America was built. In Hosea 4:6, the Lord of Creation tells us that we must not reject knowledge, for doing so destroys us. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children." (Hosea 4:6, King James Bible.) As brother Peter Tosh sang: "There will never be no love at all. Got to build our love on one foundation." (One Foundation, song recorded by The Wailers, released within Burnin' in 1973.) This foundation is Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Justice. Faith in the Creator, the Heavenly Father through the Lord Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit is always well placed. Whether this faith is blind or built upon knowledge, understanding, and communion with him matters not, for how can one see before one knows the Lord? If a man blindly trusts another man here on earth who is not the lord and savior Jesus Christ, then he is foolish, for the heart of man is fallen. We must work not only to keep ourselves honest, but to strengthen those around us into honesty, and those among us that know God must be our brothers' and sisters' shepherds, as He has called upon us to be. Through transparency and open revelation of what a man does, those around him may see if his work is trustworthy. This is why the tools we use must be thoroughly examined, relative to their level of complexity that we might know if we may trust them at all. This is why Linus Torvalds publicly released the source code to his kernel, the 'Linux Kernel', in 1992, so that people would be able to know what it did, could do, and might do. A kernel is the lowest level of software within an operating system, that bridges the hardware and software of a computer, thereby connecting the circuitry of these electric tools to the more abstract written code that people put on them, or compose on them. The 'Gnu's not Unix!', or GNU core utilities, are software programs, which are necessary to enable the basic functions of a computer if it is to be useful in any sort of way. These were written because people wanted things to work properly, and level the playing field. UNIX was obscenely and prohibitively expensive, and is named after the plural of eunuch. Gnu is the name of an African species of antelope. Linus's kernel is often represented as a penguin, and these two animals depicted together form the visual representation of the GNU/Linux operating system. GNU, the 'Gnu's not Unix!' core utilities, were also published to the general public by 1992. The GNU project began in 1984, whether the people writing it knew it or not, though I think that they did know it, to provide a greater, and more proper counter measure to the unethical technological practices of that time and year. From the union of these two labours, an ethical personal computing operating system was made, if there ever was one. From this effort, and work, there now exist a large number of entirely auditable software programs, such as a highly functional peer to peer communication software named 'Jami' which is built to intentionally respect and honor the dignity of human conversation, and ensure that the people talking to each other through it are able to decide whether or not they'd like that conversation to be private, highly secure data transference protocols such as the signal protocol and many others, good, effective and efficient software to record audio and play back that audio, software to record video, edit video, and then play back that video, software to compose text and read text (which I am now using to write this), and variations on the GNU/Linux operating system which are referred to as 'distributions', which are designed intentionally with respect for the person that would use them, and purposefully made to inhibit and prevent exterior manipulation. When you analyze a packet capture log like Mike Lindell was discussing earlier today, a GNU/Linux distribution can be confirmed to do what it is meant to be doing, and showing that the people who compiled that distribution respect the privacy of those who might choose to use what they have put together. There is even a phone, named the 'PinePhone', made by a company called Pine64, which contains physical switches near where its battery sits that the person who owns it can physically disconnect parts of the phone like its modem, wifi and bluetooth module, both cameras on it, and its microphone. These switches break a circuit, cutting the power to these parts of the phone, so that if you don't feel like having a camera connected to the internet facing out at the world around you while you're making a phone call, or having one staring you in the face while you're looking at a cell phone, you do not have to. I own one of these things, and it runs a mainline Linux distribution called "Alpine Linux", which has been modified to work better on a phone by people that I've looked into, and read what they wrote that they were doing, saw that they were doing what they were doing, had some written correspondence with, and then decided that what they made was worth using. Proper ethical alternatives to the false path laid down by the devil through fallen men who haven't yet come to the Living God Jesus Christ who is humanity's Lord and Saviour exist. I suggest, and heavily recommend to whoever ends up reading this, that you seek these right options out, and choose them whenever you are able. With all things, go to the Lord of Creation, the Heavenly Father who came to us as Jesus Christ, in prayer. He shall never forsake those that seek him in their hearts, as he has said.

My name is Kory MacKenzie, and I finished typing this on the tenth day of June in the two thousandth and twenty first year of the Lord. (June 10th, anno Domini 2021) July 31st 2021 Addition: Please visit . If you would like to, or perhaps regardless of that, tell somebody about what you find here. I would not be where I am today without the words of this decent wise man.